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  • Product Name:1-Hexanol 111-27-3 purity99% natural
  • Molecular Formula:C6H14O
  • Purity:99% natural
  • Appearance:Colorless liquid

Product Details

Appearance:Colorless liquid

Throughput:100|Metric Ton|Month

pd_productuse:1-Hexanol was examined as a perturbing agent on actomyosin ATPase and and was found to modulate the function of actomyosin motor via intermediate-specific structural perturbation.

Delivery Time:in stock

Purity:99% natural

Content Analysis Add 700 ml of newly distilled pyridine into a 1000 ml brown bottle with a glass stopper; add phthalic anhydride 11 5g with strong shaking to complete dissolution. Take the solution 25.0ml, adding into a bottle with heat pressure resistance. The bottle are tightly wrapped and fixed.Weigh the sample about 1 g with the weighing pipette; add it into the pressure bottle; stamped. The sample was fixed in a canvas bag, heated in a water bath at 98~100 ℃ for 3h, and let the water level in the water bath higher than the bottle level. After removal, cool it to room temperature; carefully open the stopper, and do not make a content loss. Add 0.5mol/L sodium hydroxide solution 50.0ml (Note: This 50.0ml 0.5mol/L sodium hydroxide solution is not included in the final calculation). Add 1% phenolphthalein 5 drops of pyridine solution, and then 0.5 mol/L sodium hydroxide solution to the pink end point and maintain 15 s unchanged. At the same time carry out a blank test. Per milliliter of sodium hydroxide solution 0.5mol/L is equivalent to alcohol (C6H14O) 51.09 mg. Or measured by non-polar column in GT-10-4 gas chromatography.
Toxicity GRAS(FEMA).
LD50 720 mg/kg (rat, oral).
maximum level FEMA (mg/kg): soft drinks 6.6; cold drinks 26; candy 21; baked food 18; puddings 0.22 to 0.28.
Moderation (FDA § 172.515, 2000).
The standard of allowable maximum amount and residue Name of additives: Hexanol
Name of food allowable for the additive: Food
Function of the additive: Spices used in food
Maximum allowable amount (g/kg): The amount of spices to compound essence should be lower than the allowable maximum amount and residue listed in GB 2760.
Maximum allowable residue (g/kg):
Production methods (1) It is generally derived from acetic acid reduction in industry. Bromine butane and magnesium shards reaction obtains butyl magnesium bromide, and the butyl magnesium bromide reacted with ethylene oxide to get ethanol under laboratorial study.
(2) Via n-hexylic acid reduction.
Hazards & Safety Information Category: Flammable liquids
Toxic classification: Moderately hazardous
Acute toxicity
Oral-Rat LD50: 720 mg/kg; Oral-mouse LD50: 1950 mg/kg
Stimulation data: Skin-Rabbit 10 mg/24 h Mild; Eye-Rabbit 250 μg Severity.
Flammability characteristics: In case of fire, high temperature, strong oxidant flammable; combustion emissions to stimulate smoke
Storage and transport: Packaging integrity, light loading and unloading; Treasury ventilation, away from open flame, high temperature, stored separately from the oxidant.
Fire extinguishing agent: Foam, dry powder, carbon dioxide, sand.